If you just moved to the area or you’ve stopped buying your fuel oil (home heating oil) or kerosene from a provider who didn’t make you happy, Blueox Energy in Oxford should be your first call. Not only do we…
Read MoreNow that summer is here and you’re running your air conditioner every day, you probably have a good idea of whether or not it is working as well as it has in years past. If it doesn’t seem to be…
Read MoreIf you have been looking to replace the heating and cooling system in your home or you’re building a new place and you need to choose an HVAC system, Blueox Energy in Oxford is here to help. We offer the…
Read MoreCertain things in life seem too good to be true, and service agreements are usually one of them. So many companies offer them nowadays but most of them are vaguely worded or written in such dense legalese that they’re all…
Read MoreNow that we’re in the middle of fall, you’ve probably noticed a couple times when the weather seemed to switch from brisk one day to downright hot the next. Whether you’re a summer person who cherishes those hot days or…
Read MoreIn the first part of our series on some quick ways to make sure that your heater or air conditioning system is working as well as it can, we covered how and why to check your vents for obstructions. You…
Read MoreAround this time every year, you probably start getting a lot of direct mail pieces from furnace repair companies in Oxford telling you it is time to call and schedule a tune-up for your heater. Unfortunately, these fliers often fail…
Read MoreIt may be the tail end of August, but it is never too early to start thinking about prepping your home for winter. And while you might call Blueox Energy in Oxford — your trusted heating and air conditioning service…
Read MoreIf you are an Oxford resident traveling back home after having your propane tanks refilled at Blueox Energy, there are safety measures you need to consider. When transporting and storing propane tanks, it is very important that you follow some…
Read MoreAs your kids are enjoying the latter part of the summer playing outdoors as much as they can before autumn sets in and school starts, Blueox Energy in Oxford wants to help you keep your kids safe around propane. Read…
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