Local Organizations We Support

Commerce Chenango
Commerce Chenango plays a leading role in economic and community development in Chenango County. From training and education programs, business planning, and business financing to providing regional demographic information, labor and workforce statistics, economic trending reports, and relocation packages, they can provide the information you need to help retain, expand, or initiate business. On top of our fundraising support, we are pleased to serve on the Board of Directors.

United Way of Mid Rural NY
Chenango United Way fights for the education, financial stability, and basic needs of every person in our community. They build partnerships and maximize resources to improve the quality of life for residents in the focus areas of income, education, and health. We regularly support their fundraisers, and we are on their Board of Directors.

Catholic Charities of Chenango County
Catholic Charities of Chenango County is part of a seven-county network of Catholic Charities in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse. They’re dedicated to caring for those in need while promoting human development, collaboration, and the elimination of poverty and injustice. We offer our support to their fundraisers, and we are a part of their Board of Directors.

Chenango Memorial Hospital Foundation
The Chenango Memorial Hospital Foundation was established in 1985 for the sole purpose of generating funds for the hospital to use in providing health care in Chenango County. To that end, the Foundation seeks and manages public and private funds from individuals, foundations, corporations, civic organizations, and governmental agencies to support UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital activities in Chenango County. We gladly support their fundraising efforts and serve on their Board of Directors.

The Impact Project
Since 2004, The Impact Project has been dedicated to serving homeowners in Central New York. Their mission is to help families maintain and increase equity in their homes and stabilize their housing situation through repair and rehabilitation projects. We are pleased to support their fundraising efforts.

Oxford Lions Club
The Oxford Lions Club is a place where individuals come together to give their valuable time and effort to improve their community. Their mission is to empower volunteers and partners to improve health and well-being, strengthen their community, and support those in need through humanitarian services. We are pleased to serve on their Board of Directors and support their fundraising efforts.
Additional Organizations We Support
Blueox Energy proudly supports the fundraising efforts of the following local organizations:

Serving Our Community Is What We Do
Are you part of a local organization looking for more support? Blueox Energy is always looking for new ways to make a positive impact on our community. Get in touch with us today!