Want to know what kind of company you are dealing with? Try asking their employees …

Our logic is …

If you want any indication of how you will be treated by a company (any company at all) – try asking their employees. How a business  engages their employees is a good indicator of how they will engage their customers.

Real customer service feels like a thing of the past. At Blueox, we never claim to be a perfect energy provider – but we do stand behind what we do and how we treat PEOPLE LIKE YOU. Nothing is more frustrating than having a product or service fail your expectations – only to be ignored or made to feel like an inconvenience after the transaction is over.

Maybe that’s part of the reason why we are so committed to our employees and our customers. At Blueox we rely on repeat transactions. Customers will always need some form of fuel for heat, so we want to be the one to deliver it.

Our logic is, if we take good care of our employees: pay them a good wage, reward them for commitment, offer a generous amount of paid time off to recharge their internal battery – they will be happier employees – and happy employees take care of our customers.

Taking care of your employees is more than just the financial impact … we all need to make a decent buck and need some time to take a break now and then … but what else at Blueox makes us different from the other fuel delivery companies out there?

We start with smiling.

Blueox is a happy place to work – now don’t get us wrong not every day is easy – but most days you enter our office and hear laughter. You will hear technicians and drivers ribbing each other in the break room. You will hear laughs at our monthly meetings where we idea share and engage in goofy team building exercises. We hear it on the phone when we are able to solve a customers problem. We heard it from a new driver that came from a local competitor on his first day, “wow this place is so different from my last fuel delivery job, what do you guys put in the water here? Everyone is always happy or smiling – I have never worked in a place like this.”

Our Human Resource Director, Megan, is always leading this charge. “Blueox has an incredible employee centric culture where ideas communication, and innovation are encouraged throughout all levels and departments. We have fostered a type of environment that values employees as individuals. Whether it is seeing the importance of various perspectives, or working to help meet the needs and goals of our team not only professionally, but personally as well. Each and every employee plays a part in the collaborative approach to our decision making processes. This level of employee value and involvement has enabled us to care for our customers in a way that really sets us apart in providing a superior customer experience!”

So if you have ever called your fuel oil or propane delivery company and not heard a warm voice on the other end of the phone – try us. Just to say hi – you don’t need to buy anything at all. Just mention you read this article and wanted to hear just how friendly and caring our team members are. Ask them if they are happy working here, how they feel about customer service, how they feel about each other. The answers will restore your faith in true customer service.

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