Why a Furnace Service is A Great Idea Before Winter

Around this time every year, you probably start getting a lot of direct mail pieces from furnace repair companies in Oxford telling you it is time to call and schedule a tune-up for your heater. Unfortunately, these fliers often fail to inform you about the reasons you should have your furnace serviced before winter settles in. Since you aren’t likely to pay for something you don’t think you need, here are some very compelling reasons to call Blueox Energy and schedule a furnace tune-up.

Decrease the Chance of a Breakdown

If your furnace is going to break down, it will happen when it is working its hardest, like during the holidays when your home is full of people. A house full of people means that doors will be opening and closing throughout the day, which forces your furnace to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. This stress on the system greatly increases the chances of a system failure. Consider this: studies have found that the vast majority of system failures are the result of dust and dirt, which would be discovered and fixed during a furnace tune-up.

Increase Longevity

Proper maintenance will extend the life of your furnace. The longer you can keep your furnace running efficiently, the more money you can keep in the bank. The savings can be staggering when weighed against the cost of a new furnace.

Lower Energy Costs

Nearly half of your energy costs come from heating and cooling your home. It makes perfect sense to keep your furnace working at an optimal level to prevent a spike in energy costs. Energy bills are already expensive, so don’t make them worse by running an inefficient furnace.

Contact Blueox Energy today to speak with a member of our customer service department. We would be happy to answer questions or schedule a furnace repair or service. We also have great deals on kerosene and home heating oil.