Are you in the market for a new heating or cooling system? You’ve come to the right place! At Blueox Energy, we make it easier and more affordable to install the new HVAC equipment your home needs by offering custom payment plan options to our customers. Learn more today when you contact us by filling out the form on this page. We can’t wait to work with you!
New Heating Systems for as Low as
$70 per Month*!
Inquire about Payment Plans for:

Starting at $190 per month*

Starting at $125 per month*

Starting at $78 per month*

Starting at $70 per month*
Flexible automatic or will call fuel delivery options
Deliveries of Bioheat® fuel or propane, how and when you want them
No Run Out Guarantee with free tank monitoring services*
Monitor your fuel levels right from your phone, or have us monitor them for you
Variety of payment plan options to fit your unique needs
We offer Autopay, Prompt Pay, and other discounts, so let us match you with the right plan
Online account management tools
Order fuel or schedule service on your time, not ours
Text alert communication options
No more missing your delivery driver or service technician; you’ll know when we’re coming, and you can ask us account questions too
Blueox Energy app to make account access easy
Monitor fuel levels, see estimated delivery dates, view recent invoices, and more
24/7 access to our emergency service department**
Enjoy peace of mind knowing we’ll be there when you need us, especially when it’s cold
Looking for more?
Call us to tell us what’s important to you, and let’s see what we can do to meet your needs
*Monitoring fees may apply
**Service department access requires an annual service plan. Plans start as low as $49.