Mic Drop Moment

Last week we shared with you that as a fuel oil or propane customer you may have a lot more choices available to make your life easier than you know about. This week we want to come back to that with some feedback directly from our front line team.

Kassie is a customer service representative and has been with us for 6 years. Not only does she love the opportunity of winning over new customers – she is really, really good at it!

We chatted with her this week and asked her to speak to you herself! …… Read on!


  • What is the most common question you get asked by a new customer?

The most common question we have is about pricing. But I find the most relevant questions are the ones that follow that up. I really love when I have the opportunity to ask questions that get to the core of how they want to be served by their energy company. It gives me the opportunity to tell them about a service we offer that will fit their needs, whether it is referring them to our full service online ordering, or telling them about a lock in price plan to insure they don’t have to worry about inflation over the next 12 months.

  • What is the biggest concern a customer has about making the switch?

Customers usually want to know how smooth the transition will be. I like to put them at ease by telling them that we don’t want them to have any interruption in services so to make sure they do not have the other company terminate service until we have our service in place.

  • What is it that customers who switch are really looking for?

              “A customer that is making the switch, I think, is looking for a mutual respect. So many customers are used to not having choices and it is the energy company’s way or the highway. But with Blueox, they are empowered to do business with us the way they want to. Want to be on auto? We offer that for credit approved and COD customers. Want to be on will call? We offer that for pay as you go or budget/prebuy customers. Don’t want to talk to your energy provider at all, we have a fully automated ordering service online. You can build your account the way you prefer to do business with us. And Blueox knows we won’t survive without the customer, so we live and breathe to make doing business with Blueox easy.”


  •  What is your favorite thing to share with a new customer when you talk for the first time?

I really love telling them about our text alerts, it is a level of convenience that isn’t readily available in our industry. I get a lot of very positive comments from customers when they are offered these alerts to keep them informed.

  • What do you think our current customers would say about making the switch?

We are really lucky, a lot of our customers are outspoken about how they feel about their experience with Blueox. And not in the way you would expect. I am always pleased to find a customer calling in, taking time out of their busy schedule, to tell us about a good experience they had with a tech who answered all their questions and made them feel confident in their choice, or a driver who stopped in to light a pilot while there, or a customer service representative that was able to give them helpful information to move forward on a home improvement project. Our job isn’t to sell as much as we can, it is to serve our community in the best way we can. I have a lot of pride in what Blueox offers a customer and I love to meet and go above and beyond the customers need. It costs nothing to be kind, and I firmly believe it will cost you everything if you aren’t.

Mic. Drop. Moment.

Call us to tell Kassie what you think and give her or any of our team a chance to win you over!




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